Thursday, January 6, 2011

3rd Quarter Goals

In 2010, I played football. I was able to achieve this goal by not quitting. I had to stop smoking weed in order to play. I have been clean since, because it messed up my lungs. I’ve learned that I need to work out more because my lungs are still messed up. I am proud of myself. I will get a lettermen jacket for participation for this football season.

My goal for this quarter is to get a job and work all quarter. I want to make money.

I just have to give Jonelle all of my grades and show here that I do not have any F’s.

I have to work 120 hours to get a new job in the Dragons Lounge.

I need to keep my grades up so I don’t lose my job. I will do my homework.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Good job pablo the goals you set are good make sure you stay focused so you can achieve them.

  3. Good luck with thoose goal, I think your smart so you can achieve them!
